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CLOE Test Preparation

Tailor made English coaching designed to help you get the best score possible!


Learn the best tips and techniques to help improve your score.

Welcome to our CLOE test preparation class, where we help you achieve success in the globally recognized CLOE exam. Our experienced instructors will guide you through every aspect of the test, providing you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed.


Our interactive and engaging class offers plenty of opportunities to practice your English skills and receive feedback, with access to a range of resources such as practice tests, vocabulary lists, and grammar exercises. We offer flexible class schedules and an optional online platform, allowing you to study from anywhere in the world.


Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our CLOE test preparation class is tailored to meet your specific needs and level of English proficiency. Join us today and take the first step towards achieving your career goals by improving your English language skills, communicating confidently, and effectively in a global business environment.


Practical info

68€ /h

You choose the duration

Face to face* / Online

*we come to you


This course is eligible to be funded with CPF / Pôle Emploi. 


Le niveau A1 est requis

When can I start?

If you are financing your lessons with CPF there is an obligatory 11 day wait from the inscription date.

If you are financing your project in any other way, we will start your lessons as soon as your schedule allows.

Persons with disabilities: 

Face-to-face lessons: we come to you in a location of your choice.
Online courses: please contact us so that we can discuss adapted support. 

Practical info

Lesson content

La passation de la Certification CLOE est obligatoire en fin de formation. En vous inscrivant, vous vous engagez à réaliser les deux parties de l'évaluation :


Première partie (en ligne avec surveillance asynchrone) :

Vous répondrez à un questionnaire adaptatif de 50 questions visant à mesurer votre capacité à :

  • Identifier et utiliser un vocabulaire courant ou professionnel adapté au contexte

  • Maîtriser les principales structures grammaticales nécessaires pour construire des phrases cohérentes et de complexité variée

  • Identifier et utiliser des expressions de la vie courante ou professionnelle

  • Comprendre un court texte et en dégager le sens global et des détails spécifiques

  • Comprendre un énoncé, des instructions ou des questions d’un interlocuteur parlant la langue cible.


Seconde partie (entretien oral par visioconférence) :

Sur rendez-vous, cette évaluation inclut un dialogue, une ou plusieurs mises en situation professionnelle, et une discussion autour d’un thème professionnel ou spécifique à votre domaine d’activité. Cet entretien permet de mesurer votre capacité à :

  • Employer un vocabulaire courant ou professionnel adapté à la situation de communication

  • Maîtriser les principales structures grammaticales nécessaires pour construire des phrases cohérentes et de complexité variée

  • Communiquer de façon naturelle à l’oral

  • Se faire comprendre avec une prononciation claire

  • Développer l’interaction et le dialogue.


Obtention du certificat : Pour obtenir le certificat, le niveau A2 est requis, mais un objectif plus élevé peut être fixé en fonction de votre projet professionnel.

Our methods

Deep dive needs analysis:

Each lesson is 100% tailor-made for you. To do this, we will do a deep dive into your English needs. We ask when, where, why and with whom you need to speak English. What problems you have and why. This, added to your online level test and oral analysis will give us a good base to build a tailor-made program for you.


Practice makes perfect:

We will focus on the practicing and perfecting the specific needs that we identify during your deep dive analysis. We will do as much oral practice as we can by putting you in situations that will arise until you are confident in your ability to communicate effectively. 



During lessons, our teachers are constantly making notes of mistakes in grammar, pronunciation and syntax and will also give you constant feedback on you progress by correcting mistakes directly or at the end of the lesson in a 10 minute feedback and correction session. 


Extra curricular activities: 

We will help you as much as you can during our coaching sessions but it is also up to you to practice between lessons. To help you with this, we run multiple free activities each month where you can use what you have learnt with us in real-life situations. Activities include the Pub Night, Book Club, Basketball, Picnics, and more. It is the perfect opportunity to speak, network, laugh and lake friends with other English learners. Learn more here.

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